Sunday, July 09, 2006

Nits As Pets

Whenever you move to a new country there's always lots to learn, but most of us think of language, culture, manners and other obvious things. Few think of little things like nits.

My girls had never heard of nits before. Norway's a cold country where they don't generally thrive, and while I'm not saying they don't exist, they're certainly not a problem. Whether or not that's just down to the cold I really couldn't say, but as it's not unusual for children to swap bobble hats, you'd think they'd spread like wild fire, wouldn't you?

Anyway, we were living in Eastbourne and everything was, as far as I knew, hunky dory. Until Lise complained of a sore at the back of her head.

Like mothers do, I had a look. What I discovered shocked the socks off me! She had nits! Lots of the buggers! I checked Linn Marie. She had nits, too! Paul? No... he'd escaped them.

"Why didn't you tell me you had nits?" I asked.

"Because we thought you'd make us get rid of them and we thought it was cool having them."

"Cool? COOL?"

"Yes. It was sort of like having pets living in our hair."

You have to hear a lot before your ears drop off but mine were on their way that day!



At 12:20 am, July 10, 2006, Blogger Pete said...

The joys of parenthood. Destroying life that thrives on your children. we tried an electic comb till the kids complained of the pain. Found that tea tree shampoo works a treat

At 8:44 pm, July 22, 2006, Blogger Judith said...

I love this story. Somehow it seems like a typical girls' approach to the situation. I only had boys,so I wouldn't know.

At 3:54 am, August 19, 2006, Blogger Pepino Suave said...

write more. you do it well.

At 12:52 pm, August 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pepino. I've lots more stories to tell but, for some unknown reason, am having trouble using Blogger and various other websites. Once I've sorted the problem, I shall be writing more.

At 12:36 am, August 30, 2006, Blogger Pete said...


Thanks for you message re dog walking - have left a reply in my blog.

At 9:33 am, April 03, 2012, Anonymous head lice and treatment said...

The joys of parenthood. Destroying life that thrives on your children. we tried an electic comb till the kids complained of the pain. Found that tea tree shampoo works a treat


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